Evaluation of the Pilot Project “Human Rights and Poverty Reduction, UNDP/BIM, Macedonia (The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute)
Review and Strategy Planning, the Separated Children in Europe Programme, SCEP. Eastern Europe, (Save the Children, Sweden)
Global Thematic Review of Children’s Right to Education Programme, Save the Children Sweden.
Evaluation of the training programme – Global Human Rights Strengthening Project, HURIST, (UNDP).
We use the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria and adhere to international standards of evaluation and professional ethics
Our advise is wowen in – not boltet on!
Here is a selection of accomplished assignments in appraisal, review and impact assessment
- Evaluation of the Pilot Project “Human Rights and Poverty Reduction, UNDP/BIM, Macedonia (The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute)
- Review and Strategy Planning, the Separated Children in Europe Programme, SCEP. Eastern Europe, (Save the Children, Sweden)
- Global Thematic Review of Children’s Right to Education Programme, Save the Children Sweden.
- Evaluation of the training programme – Global Human Rights Strengthening Project, HURIST, (UNDP).
- Review of Regional Rights Resources Team, Fiji, Pacific. (UNDP)
- Review of mainstreaming of cross-cutting objectives in Danida Programming, (Danida).
- Evaluation of Food First Action Network International, FIAN. (SIDA, Bread for the World, Misereor)
- Evaluation of the Global Minority Rights and Development Programme (Minority Rights Group International)
- Review of Human Rights Studies Centre, Peshawar, Pakistan. (NORAD)
- Consultative Review of the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva. (ICJ / Novib)
- Pre-appraisal of Human Rights Project Proposals in Malawi. (Danida)
- Review of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Malawi. (DFID & Danida)
- Synthesis of Evaluation Results within Main Aid Sectors; Human Rights, Agriculture, Health, Environment and Education and Training (DanChurchAid)
- Review of International Child Rights Programme with case studies in Bangladesh, Uganda and Guatemala. (Red Barnet / Save the Children)
- Review of the African Union for Human Rights, Burkina Faso. (Novib)
- Review and Planning Mission, Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Programme, Kenya. (DanChurchAid)
- Consultative Review, Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture. (OMCT & Oxfam/Novib)
- Policy Evaluation – the Human Rights Policy of Novib. (Oxfam/Novib)
- Evaluation of the International Human Rights Organisation; HURIDOCS, Geneva. (SIDA, MFA Finland, NORAD)
- Review of Access to Justice Programme, AGHS, Pakistan. (NORAD)
- Pre-evaluation, Cliniques Juridique, Association Nigerienne de Droit de l’Homme, Niger. (Caritas/Danida)
- Synthesis and Significance of Results, Phase II, Danish Children & Youth Network, Copenhagen.
- Mapping of Monitoring and Evaluation Practices Among Danish NGOs. (Danida).